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LCAP Dashboard

Welcome to Madera Unified’s LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Explorer. To learn more about LCAP and what it means to the Madera Unified community, and to discover more details about the information this explorer provides, please see this introductory video .

To begin using the Explorer, select the perspective from which you’d like to begin exploring, then choose a category. Choosing a category will reveal a set of metrics to explore. Some charts may also allow you to select a school level, if applicable. The explorer organizes information according to two perspectives: LCAP State Priority, or Madera Unified’s Strategic Plan Pillar. Either starting point may be used to discover the performance metrics that you are interested in.

What's new: The LCAP Dashboard was updated October 1, 2015. It currently contains six active metrics in three priority categories—those appearing with bold fonts in the menu system. Metrics that are greyed out are not yet available. Filtering by school is implemented for certain metrics. Additional metrics will be activated periodically, so check back frequently.

Choose a school level: ()
Metric Description:
Text describing the selected metric will appear here.
Choose a perspective:
State Priority
MUSD Strat.
Plan Pillar
A description here
Academic Year: Filters:
Note: Charts with red titles contain artificial placeholder data.
Note: If a subgroup contains fewer than 10 students, no data is shown to protect student privacy.
Chart data will appear here once you've made your selections.
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This page is embargoed during development. Note that the data displayed here may be incorrect at times, as we continue to refine the software.

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